Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Cheap Shampoo

Cheap shampoo has a lot of cheap chemicals in it. That's why its cheap.

Two most used chemicals are Sodium laureth sulfate and
Sodium lauryl sulfate (SLS). These chemicals help make suds and bubbles. It also dissolves grease and oil. In fact it dissolves grease so well that it is used in garages to dissolve grease on car engines. The problem is it over drys your hair and dissolves all the oils on your hair and skin, so you end up with tangled, split, fuzzy hair and dry, wrinkle prone skin! (I have also seen have a reverse effect on scalps, where the scalp starts to over produce oils in an effort to combat the dryness, giving the user super oily hair n' scalp.)

(it gets worse...

Once it has been absorbed, one of the main effects of SLS is to mimic the activity of the hormone Oestrogen. This can increase problems with PMS, Menopausal symptoms, male fertility, and female cancers. YIKES!)

What to do?

Read your label! If either of these ingredients are anywhere near the beginning of the list put it back on the shelf!!! If your shopping at say, Target, try the isle over by the cosmetics with Burt's Bee's and ALBA and other such 'natural' options. Some 'natural' brands still have a tiny percentage of the chemical in them unfortunately, (because consumers complain when shampoo doesn't 'suds' up) but at least you won't be dumping a whole bottle of it on yourself!

For Shampoo completely free of harsh chemicals try, Whole Foods, Mississippi Market, Kowalski's or any health food store.

Now your one step closer to beautiful healthy hair. ~Liza


Jerdon said...

Yikes! Now I know why I'm bald!

Unknown said...

I am currently washing with Mens Suave shampoo + conditioner, 2 in 1, $1.89 a bottle.. It cleans and conditions all in one step. Talk about bang for your buck. It has all the bad stuff you mentioned above so I'm not dig'n all male fertility repercussions from using this stuff. But my hair feels great. The ladies love it. It's pretty much a big deal. What do you recommend as a safer (affordable) bet that would make my hair an even bigger deal?.. for the ladies, of course. I found some natural shampoo with tea tree oil and sunflower oil but they are crazy expensive, $10 a bottle. Not including conditioner. I'm like, nice shampoo.. do you have financial aid? Please help!

~Liza said...

Your pretty much a big deal huh?

Super cheap natural option:
Use an old shampoo bottle and fill it with 1/4 cup apple cider vinegar, fill the rest up with water and shake it up.
Works great for super shiny clean hair. And don't worry there is no lingering vinegar smell so you wont scare off the ladies. At least not with your hair. ~Liza