Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Long Hair - Quick Styles.

Here are some ideas for you gals with long hair!
(Click on photos to see them larger.)

Side part with bangs twisted and pinned (works best if you curl the bangs first) or side part with braid (works best if you put dry shampoo in the bangs first).

Headbands or just pinning the bangs to the side works too.

Your bangs driving you nuts? Backcomb or spray them with dry shampoo (and crown area if you like), gently brush back, spritzing with hairspray as you go and pin into place.

Half up with a little teasing in the crown is a quick way to do something different. And a great way to show off fun earrings!

Want to learn HOW to do these styles? Check out my Blogs: Dealing with Day 3 hair (6/23/10) and Learn to Backcomb (6/29/10). OR go to and search for the type of style that you want to learn! (ex: French Braid)